Anne Phung Nguyen

Hello, my name is Anne Phung Nguyen and I am a Vietnamese American entrepreneur residing in stunning Orange County California with my amazing fianc JP and my happy-go-lucky Dad Henry. The majority of people know me through my Instagram @annephung. I write about my experiences - the highs, the lows and everything in between. In 1990 I emigrated to America together with my brother and parents after I reached one and half. Without my parents' devotion to perseverance and sacrifice and sacrifice, I wouldn't be here sharing my journey. In order to give them the opportunity of a prosperous future, I focused on achieving my goals and worked hard to achieve it. My plan of life was in a way that I could study at university, land work in a corporate as well as marry and then buy a home. Although I was convinced that this was the standard for success, life had different goals. In 2013 I found myself dreading going to my corporate job because the pay and prestige did not bring me joyas I believed I was tossing my life in order to earn a living, but I knew I was in the right place for something more. I was passionate about fitness and getting out and about with friends. in my journey to this path. I discovered my passion for personal training. Since 2014 I have been running my own business, and in the year 2021 I will be celebrating my 7th anniversary. For an Asian female working in this field, there are very few of us. As the coach I am, my objective is to encourage others and encourage them to lead a healthy and happy life by establishing sustainable and healthy lifestyles tailored to the individual's preferences and requirements. In addition, I wish for others have the confidence to follow their goals and accomplish whatever they desire in life. My career took off as I experienced the greatest success of my life. However, my mother passed away just when my career began to take off. Her eight-year battle was won. fight against the illness and is resting in Heaven and with me in my thoughts and my heart all the time. Lessons from life can often be hid from our eyes However, they can be extremely valuable. The passing of my mother changed me in a variety of ways. I am convinced that my mom gave me a second chance to experience life thanks to her passing. When she passed away on Tet/Lunar New Year Day, she passed away. It was now time for her to move on to the next chapter of her life as well as my opportunity to lead a meaningful and fulfilling life. At the age of 30, I feel alive and aware of the fact that I am living the present and not just living the way I was in my past. In sharing my story, I hope that my experiences will resonate with the ones you have. I would like that my writings can aid people realize that they aren't in isolation. You have the ability to achieve anything that your heart desires. I pray that you live the best life possible and to die with no regrets because death is the sole thing which is guaranteed to us at the end of our journey.

 Anne Phung Nguyen  Anne Phung  Anne  Nguyen  Phung Nguyen  Anne Phung  Anne Parillaud


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